Favio Marcelo Giorgio - Sponsoringprofil | Sponsoo

Favio Marcelo Giorgio

 ROSARIO Radsport


I joined SPONSOO because I want to continue with my life project, to continue traveling the world by bicycle, linked to a sponsor's project.


Favio Marcelo Giorgio hat einen Beitrag auf Facebook geteilt
25.01.2025 11:19 ·
Favio Marcelo Giorgio hat einen Beitrag auf Facebook geteilt
25.01.2025 11:19 ·
Favio Marcelo Giorgio hat einen Beitrag auf Facebook geteilt
25.01.2025 11:17 ·
Favio Marcelo Giorgio hat einen Beitrag auf Facebook geteilt
25.01.2025 11:12 ·

Reichweiten / Links

Größte Erfolge

Key achievements:
  • 110.000 kilometers traveled
  • Cycle through the 5 continents
  • 84 countries cycled
  • 10 years of traveling around the world

Kennzahlen für Sponsoren

Key figures for sponsors - Favio M. Giorgio

Social media: 

  • I have a presence on social media (Facebook, Instagram and YouTube)

Travel around the world by bike: 

  • It is inspiring and motivating, it arouses interest, who hasn't dreamed of going around the world?


  • I have knowledge in filming, photography, editing and making videos.

Testing and surveying products:

  • Sports equipment, nutritional supplements, camping equipment, sports clothing, cycling clothing, etc.


  • Travel to places or countries where the sponsor needs my work.
  • Be part of or collaborate in the Corporate Social Responsibility strategy.


  • Crowdfunding campaign, environmental awareness, social causes and help in general.
  • Raise funds for kilometers traveled, part for the purpose that is decided to allocate the money raised and another for my expenses.


  • Open to proposals from the sponsor to evaluate and analyze them between both parties.


  • Conference and talks for different audiences, about my travel experience and motivational talks
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